About Me

My photo
Bucharest, Romania
Hello, I am a woman who is writing, living and travelling in Europe, trying to make the most from her life without destroying anything. Mother, wife, employer, lover of fine things, art and culture. Things have been modernized over the last 10 years throughout the world - I haven't.

Monday, June 14, 2010



1. Why did you start a blog?

Well, I thought it was kind of exploring the world and making new friends without leaving my home…. On the other hand, I have always loved the internet and I have experienced it with whatever happened to be the hype of the moment. Just name it: chat,irc,icq,skype….blog. I guess I started the blog to express myself. I don’t think my blog is too much like me. It is just a way of telling some things about me. I wish I could do it better….

2. Comfy shoes or killer heels?
Comfy shoes for walking the husky, going to the marche and driving. Killer shoes at the office and business meetings. And at parties - I am a short person so, stilettos do matter.

3. The funniest moment in the last week?
... it was a nasty week....

4. What would have been your dream job?

5. If you won the lottery tonight, what would be the first thing you’d do?
1)I’d buy myself some jewelry sets I’ve always longed to have.
2)I’d buy a house in Greece, on a sunny island, on the sea shore and I’d move there ( I would move there in second 2 after accomplishing no1).
3)I’d get myself a convertible and to my teenager son whatever car he might wish

6. Most useless gadget you own?
Bluetooth set for my phone … the ear hurts that much in 15 minutes that I feel like shit and turn it off …and I do not get called that often to wear it…

7. You’re waiting for someone and they’re late. How late is too late?
It depends on whom he/she is. If it’ s my business partener, my employee or someone who asks me a favour, to late is the next minute. If it’s someone I like, a friend or an acquaintance 15 minutes are acceptable . If I love him/her ( my son,husband,mum,Iuky ,my closest people etc), I can wait forever and it will never be too late  .

8. Are you a do it now person, or a It can wait until tomorrow person?
It can wait….It will wait…It is waiting !

9. If you were a drink, what would you be?

10. What was the first thing you thought when you read these questions?
oh, it was like a surprise party or an unexpected gift! I have always wanted to get tagged. Thx a lot,it was a great experience.


  1. Hi Rosabell! Great answers, its lovely to learn more about you like this! I love your illustrations to each question as well, what a lovely idea...

    Fancy wanting to be a heiress! I hadn't even thought about that as an answer, what a wonderful answer. I think I'd want to be that too :)

    A bluetooth headset is my most useless gadget too, for exactly the same reasons as you!

    I am totally with you on numbers 7 & 8 as well.

    So you're a bubbly person full of fizz and expensive taste :)

    Now, you need to think of 10 questions of your own and pass them on to five other people you follow - sorry, I completely forgot to explain this part in my blog! It was the first time I had been tagged too, please forgive ;-)

  2. Buna Mihaela! te-am "gasit" pe Fragrantica un site pe care eram si eu activa acum ceva vreme - intr-o zi daca ai destula rabdare si umor o sa-ti povestesc de ce am plecat de acolo definitiv. Imi plac review-urile tale uneori "neiertatoare" - e si stilul meu... din pacate pe Fragrantica postmodernismul de tip vestic, asezonat din plin cu aroganta de tip colonial si gandire ingusta de tip George W. Bush e la mare cautare. Nu cred sa iti gasesti vreun "ganditor" pereche pe acolo din pacate. Nici mie nu-mi place deloc No5, si in ultima vreme incep sa ma indrept tot mai mult spre parfumuri mai feminine. Ani intregi am purtat Opium, Shalimar, Angel, Poison, etc. Ce parere ai despre parfumeria de nisa? Eu am incercat cateva Serge Lutens, Armani prive, By Kilian, Mikaleff, etc, dar sincera sa fiu nu sunt deloc entuziasmata de ele si mai de graba as folosi banii respectivi pentru cercetari aprofundate asupra ritualului de imperechere a paduchiului salbatic decat sa imi mai cumpar vreo sticla de parfum de nisa. Snobism si bani aruncati pe fereastra, if you ask me... O sa ma opresc aici pentru moment. Am si eu un blog (despre de toate) pe WordPress - mi-ar placea sa stam odata la o "poveste" ;-). Numai bine din Sibiu!

  3. Draga Jade, abia acum am reusit sa dau de comntariul tau. Mi-ar face multa placere sa imi povestesti despre ce nu ti-a placut pe fragrantica. Nici mie nu-mi place si nici stilul lor de apreciere si gandire nu-mi sunt pe plac. Ramane totusi un site complex pentru iubitorii de parfum, si de aceea il mai frecventez, stand mai mult in compania parfumurilor decat in a postacilor ( mai ales a celor americani care par cam cretini, sincera sa fiu). Nu am incercat parfumuri de nisa ( sincer, lucrez in vanzari de nisa pentru servicii si am idee despre diferenta dintre pret si calitate si despre cat d ebine vinde un anume tip de snobism).... O sa iti vizitez blogul cu cea mai mare placere!Multumesc pentru mesaj !

  4. Multumesc mult pentru mesaj! Ce nu mi-a placut pe Fragrantica: vesticismul de tip neo-colonial cuplat cu superioritate rasiala (da, americanii sunt in marea lor parte, complet cretini si au impresia ca lumea incepe in NYC si se termina in Connecticut), ura fatisa manifestata fata de romani (sunt cativa rusi acolo care daca vad ca esti din Romania incep sa iti tina teorii ca ei ne-au eliberat tara), ura fata de catolici chiar ( si eu sunt romano-catolica si am simtit negativismul unora fata de biserica noastra), si nu in ultimul rand simpla si dezarmanta prostie cotidiana (imbecili care posteaza doar ca sa-i insulte pe altii, alti imbecili care se logheaza doar ca sa dea thumbs down la review-uri negative – nici eu nu prea sunt fan Chanel, mai ales nu No 5, si oricine indrazneste sa desacralizeze potiunea magica e exclus din start)… per total cel mai tare m-a deranjat atitudinea de ura fatisa fata de romani, si eu cand am plecat am si postat un mesaj lung si explicit in care mi-am exprimat foarte clar parerea. Nici la swap-uri nu discuta cu noi romanii, doar pentru ca suntem romani. Au pretentia sa trimitem noi primii, ca sa fie siguri ca nu cumva ii furam. Cand Doamne iarta-ma as putea sa le cumpar maine toata colectia lor deplorabila de parfumele fara nicio problema… In fine. Nu-mi place sa fiu negativista si exagerata, dar am plecat pentru ca deja ma deranjau extrem de tare rasismul si imbecilitatea. Am de-a face destul cu ele in fiecare zi ca sa le mai suport si in spatiul virtual. Cat despre parfumurile de nisa, 6 am avut, din care am pastrat unul, Serge Lutens Fourreau Noir. Bani aruncati pe fereastra – exact ca in povestea aceea cu hainele noi ale imparatului. Ma bucur mult ca ai trecut pe aici, o sa mai trec si eu pe la tine cat de des pot (mi-au placut foarte mult review-urile tale de pe Fragrantica). Toate cele bune!
